The annual election of officers and directors to the national SBE Board of Directors will take place this summer. The SBE Nominations Committee seeks qualified candidates who are voting members (Member, Senior, Fellow or the designated representative of an SBE Sustaining Member) in good standing (dues paid). Candidates must hold an engineering level of SBE certification (CBT or higher, or CBNE) and maintain it the entire duration of service on the Board, if elected.
Candidates should have a desire to serve and lead as a member of the board and through service as a national committee chair or member. Members of the Board represent all members, not a specific region or chapter. It is suggested that candidates have previous experience as a leader in his or her local chapter, or other volunteer leadership experience, prior to running for the national SBE Board, but this is not required.
Members of the Board are expected to attend two regularly called meetings each year: in the spring, held during the annual NAB Show, and in the fall, at the annual SBE National Meeting. Other meetings may be called via conference call during the year.
The national SBE board includes 12 directors, four officers and the immediate past president. Directors serve two-year terms and officers serve one-year terms. Six director seats will be contested in 2023 as will all four officer positions. The SBE By-laws limit the number of terms for elected members of the Board.
If interested, contact SBE Nominations Committee Chair Wayne Pecena at or via the SBE National Office at 317-846-9000. A nomination slate will be assembled by the committee by April 17. Other qualified members may be nominated by members no later than June 30.
The election runs from July 14 to Aug. 15. Those elected will be installed at the SBE National Meeting, held this fall.
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