The SBE has learned that many stations have received prior-coordination notices (PCN) regarding Dish Network and its deployment of AWS-4 at 2000-2020 MHz (downlink) and 2180-2200 MHz (uplink). Those stations have sought guidance on a uniform response. In reviewing these notifications, the SBE believes the potential for interference to ENG is high as the downlink is 5MHz away from the lower DRL (2025-2025.5 MHz) and channel A1 (2025.5-2037.5 MHz).
The SBE recommends that all licensees generate a paper trail (emails) in case potential interference arises, and they should notify Comsearch/Dish Network in writing immediately noting that any harmful interference would not be tolerated, and any interference mitigation would be at their costs per FCC Rules ยง27.1133. The SBE is has a sample letter that members are welcome to use and/or adapt. Contact SBE Frequency Coordination Manager RJ Russell ( for a copy.
The post Stations Should Watch for Potential 2GHz Interference from Dish Network appeared first on The Society of Broadcast Engineers.